Coloring Outside the Lines

Nov 1, 2020 | People

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt
IMAGE courtesy Gwen Mason, Colorscapes Bible Journaling”][/title]

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
~ Colossians 3:17

Those are the words that Gwen Mason tries to live by, words that inspire her each day as she works to make the Bible more accessible—and more personal—to people who are seeking a deeper connection with their faith.

The Bible has been in print for more than six centuries and is the most published and most widely read piece of written word in the world. It’s also one that bears much interpretation and has survived much scrutiny, in the end always emerging as a text that inspires faith beyond explanation and a reverence for words that, while ancient in their origin, still apply to all our lives. It is in finding those connections and hearing the lessons it teaches with the heart and not just the head that give the Bible its greatest influence, and that is one of the very things that Bible journaling aims to do.

“At its core, Bible journaling is simply a creative response to studying the Word of God. It transforms the way you engage with Scripture,” says Gwen, the newly minted owner of Colorscapes Bible Journaling in Fort Smith. “Everyone is capable of Bible journaling—you don’t need a ton of creativity. Experts have proven that the more ways you take in a subject, the more it will stay with you. Some learn by hearing, seeing, or doing; Bible journaling covers all three of those. You read and hear the Scripture, you observe it, you study it, and many even act on it by serving others; but being inspired by Scripture and drawing it takes your understanding of it to a whole new level. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says: ‘Come unto Me as little children, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.’ What could be more child-like than hearing God speak to you through the words of the Bible and sitting down to spend time with Him while drawing Him a picture?”

It’s a unique idea for a business, but also an inspired one—especially at a time in Gwen’s life when she was searching for a new direction. A teacher for twenty-five years with a focus on Special Education for the last decade, she was suddenly faced with joblessness at the end of May due to COVID-19, leaving her wondering how she could use her skills in a way that could impact others and would also be a legitimate source of income. “I was struck with this thought and this amazing desire to teach people something that has transformed me and changed my life,” Gwen says. “I realized that this was a time I could dedicate the remaining years of my career to others in a new teaching format that moved from education to inspiration. I have always been a lover of arts, crafts, and sewing; so being able to use my creativity to do something new seemed perfect.”

That something new was Bible journaling, which Gwen has been doing personally for the past three years. “When I started, I could never have imagined the impact it would have on my spiritual walk with my Heavenly Father,” Gwen contends. “Through journaling, I was no longer just reading Scripture—I was also meditating, observing, and listening to what I had read. With this came more one-on-one time with the Lord. I was inspired, intrigued, and actually drawing the ways in which Scripture pertained to my daily life.”

Building on that experience, Gwen decided to create her very own Bible journaling business and open a physical location in Forth Smith, which had its grand opening in October. Like any good businesswoman, she’s filling a hole in the market, as there isn’t a space dedicated solely to Bible journaling anywhere else in the area. “You can find art studios and crafting classes, but there are no journaling studios,” Gwen notes. “Before COVID, our local craft store and Christian bookstore would hold an occasional class, but even those were never regular or offered on a weekly basis. People have really started to love Bible journaling—Pinterest is full of photos of Bible journaling pages, and there are thousands of journalers on social media—so various stores and websites all sell items to Bible journal, yet there have been no journaling studios.”

Colorscapes offers a safe, fun, inspirational atmosphere where people can enroll in weekly classes and journal in their Bibles with assistance from Gwen, and surrounded by friends old and new. Supplies are provided for students to use and try out before they invest in something that they may not enjoy using or may not be quite what they’re looking for. The classes also offer the opportunity to learn new journaling techniques with an instructor—something that anyone unfamiliar with journaling will greatly appreciate.

In all reality, starting a new business—especially a brick-and-mortar one—during a pandemic is a risk. Even so, Gwen relied on her faith and followed the prompting she felt in her heart as she took the steps to open the studio, first creating a website that offers printable materials and kits for learning to journal and posting blogs to inspire budding journalers in addition to creating instructional videos for those who can’t attend classes. “Starting a business is not an overnight success,” Gwen says. “It takes months of blood, sweat, and tears. You have high and low moments, and there are times when you wonder if what you’re planning to do can really be successful. I’ve wondered if others would be as inspired by journaling as I have been. I’ve had months of sleepless nights thinking about what needed to be done and how I was going to accomplish it. I can’t even count how many times I thought, What if?  It’s extremely scary to start a new business in the midst of a pandemic. I’ve had friends and loved ones worry that I’d be discouraged if things didn’t turn out as I had hoped. My response to that is this: Yes, these are hard times for our country; yes, there is a pandemic. But schools have started back, businesses have opened up, and people are looking for something. They are searching for inspiration and encouragement after months and months of being homebound. They can find that in our loving, encouraging atmosphere.”

Tough as getting a firm toehold might be, Gwen has high hopes for the future of Colorscapes, as the Bible journaling class she previously taught at her church saw great response from the women who attended. “They loved it and were really inspired. The fellowship was amazing, and that’s what I want people to have when they come to Colorscapes. It’s my greatest desire that everyone who comes to a class or visits my website leaves blessed,” she says.

While journaling might have a largely female audience, Gwen’s goal is to appeal to men and women as well as people of all ages. “This is for anyone who wants to grow deeper in God’s Word,” she says firmly. “We do NOT teach doctrine on any level—we are all just individuals who love the Word of God and want to allow it to speak to us individually.” And what it speaks is a powerful message brought to life in bold colors and vibrant pictures that prove that childlike faith abides the deepest.

Colorscapes Bible Journaling is located at 2120 S. Waldron Road in Fort Smith, Arkansas.
For more information, visit











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