About Do South Magazine

Do South is a community-focused magazine. Our mission is to connect our readers to the people, places, and things that make our community special. From locally owned businesses, to inspiring people, we shine the spotlight on the most positive aspects of living in and around the River Valley.

If you are new to the area, welcome! I hope Do South serves as a guide to what’s best about our community. I encourage you to check out our most recent issues and our incredible business partners that make Do South possible.

Our readers tell us there’s no other publication like Do South, and we believe it’s because of the care that goes into our stories, the work we do in the design process, and the knowledge we bring as life-long Arkansans. Our mission is to showcase what’s best about our state, its people, and the natural beauty that humbles us every time the seasons change.


In every issue of Do South, you’ll find:

  • Heartwarming Stories
  • People
  • Arts & Culture
  • Entertainment
  • Community
  • Food & Cocktail Recipes
  • Book Reviews
  • Fiction
  • Shop Local Features
  • Concerts and Events
  • Travel and Outdoors
  • Industry Profiles (request our profile calendar)
  • Special Advertising Features (request our theme calendar)

Where is Do South?

Do Southh Magazine is distributed to all advertiser locations as well as select hotels, grocery stores, restaurants, upscale retail outlets, salons, hospitals, doctors’ offices as well as by mail. A full list of distribution locations can be found on our website.

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