Float & Fish

Float & Fish

[title subtitle=”WORDS Scott Faldon IMAGES courtesy Scott Faldon and Holly Morgan”][/title] Once school starts, a lot of people put their kayaks away. But for those who don’t, there are plenty of great floating and fishing opportunities. Floating Thanks to...
Finding Family

Finding Family

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt IMAGES mariaprovescot/Shutterstock”][/title] The shadows on the ceiling seemed to dance in the dim light of dawn that crept through the edges of the blinds, growing more animated as the headlights of passing cars swept...
COVID Versus Cupid

COVID Versus Cupid

[title subtitle=”WORDS Dwain Hebda IMAGES courtesy UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute”][/title] To all of the ways Covid-19 has changed our lives – economic, academic, work habits, health care – add relationships. For every family that suffered extra...
Bringing Back the Barracks

Bringing Back the Barracks

[title subtitle=”WORDS Dwain Hebda IMAGES Rival CRE and courtesy Lloyd Sumpter”][/title] For eight years in the Oklahoma Army National Guard, Lloyd Sumpter honed his soldiering skills at Fort Chaffee in Fort Smith. He couldn’t have known then that life...
The Ride Continues

The Ride Continues

[title subtitle=”WORDS and IMAGE Scott Fallon”][/title] Scott Chapman never expected to get back into the cycling industry – despite being immersed in it for most of his life. But as a man of faith, he knows second chances are always possible. He started...

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