Your Big Backyard

Your Big Backyard

[title subtitle=”WORDS Dwain Hebda IMAGES courtesy Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism”][/title]  With the school year winding down and summer break right around the corner, many families’ thoughts are turning to getting away from it all....
French Lessons

French Lessons

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt IMAGE Anton Mukhin/Shutterstock”][/title]  Laurel stared out the window. It was the perfect day: cloudless azure sky, bright sun, just a tinge of warmth in the air to hint that spring was on its way out and summer was...
How ‘Bout Them Cowgirls?

How ‘Bout Them Cowgirls?

[title subtitle=”WORDS and IMAGE Dwain Hebda”][/title] In the far reaches of Faulkner County, Arkansas, the land yawns wide and flat. Around every bend in the road, the windbreaks cradle flat pastures billowing in the breeze. Here and there a house or barn...
Chasing Waterfalls

Chasing Waterfalls

[title subtitle=”WORDS Scott Faldon IMAGES courtesy Arkansas Department of Tourism Epic Photography/West Texas Fish – Shutterstock”][/title] The old saying is April showers bring May flowers, but for many people in The Natural State, changing it to...

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