Hello, Sweetheart

Hello, Sweetheart

[title subtitle=”RECIPE adapted picturethisrecipe.com IMAGE Shutterstock”][/title] Ingredients .5 ounce peach schnapps 1.5 ounces vodka .5 ounce amaretto 3 ounces cranberry juice strawberries, garnish red sanding sugar, optional garnish Method Rim glass...
Making Her Mark

Making Her Mark

[title subtitle=”WORDS Jeanni Brosius IMAGE courtesy Jessie Covington”][/title] Even though it was a cloudy afternoon, sunlight poured in through the windows of Victoria Covington’s art studio at her home in Batesville, Arkansas. Paintings were stacked and...
She Got Game

She Got Game

[title subtitle=”WORDS Dwain Hebda IMAGES courtesy Megan Wolfenbarger”][/title] Senior Jersey Wolfenbarger burns for basketball Coach Rickey Smith of the Fort Smith Northside Lady Bears has seen ‘em come and seen ‘em go in his decorated career coaching...
Smells like…victory

Smells like…victory

[title subtitle=”WORDS and IMAGES Dwain Hebda”][/title] North Little Rock coach is a social media sensation Daryl Fimple switches on the camera, glances at the half-asleep teen in the passenger seat next to him then turns back and addresses his audience....

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