Apple Pie French Toast Roll Ups

Apple Pie French Toast Roll Ups

[title subtitle=”RECIPE adapted biancazapatika IMAGE Aris Setya/Shutterstock”][/title] INGREDIENTS (makes 10-12 roll ups) 2 medium apples, peeled, cored and cut in small pieces ½ teaspoon cinnamon 2 teaspoons lemon juice 2 eggs 3 Tablespoons milk 1...
Supersize It

Supersize It

[title subtitle=”WORDS Dwain Hebda IMAGE courtesy Virgila Dale’s Photography”][/title] As the incumbent parents of five children, Drew Deffenbaugh and his wife Brandi are no strangers to the arrival of babies. But last year, when their first set of twins...
Homegrown & Homemade

Homegrown & Homemade

[title subtitle=”WORDS and IMAGES Jenny Boulden”][/title] There are only so many Amazon boxes you can take. Sooner or later, if you’re anything like me, you find yourself yearning for something authentic. Fresh. Local. Maybe handcrafted, even. Something...
A League of Their Own

A League of Their Own

[title subtitle=”WORDS and IMAGES Dwain Hebda and courtesy Arkansas Diamonds”][/title] THWACK! A twenty-footer hits dead center, the ball snapping the heavy cotton net with its distinctive sound. The whispy shooter scoots to the basket, snatches the ball...

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