Throw Back Christmas Ham

Throw Back Christmas Ham

[title subtitle=”RECIPE adapted Paula Dean IMAGE K2 PhotoStudio/Shutterstock”][/title] INGREDIENTS 1 spiral-sliced half ham 1 (20 oz.) can pineapple slices (reserve juice) 15-20 whole cloves (optional) Naval orange, sliced into rounds 1 small jar...
Garlic Pull-Apart Bread

Garlic Pull-Apart Bread

[title subtitle=”RECIPE adapted Gather for Bread IMAGE Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock”][/title] INGREDIENTS 1 loaf of sourdough bread 1 cup fresh Mozzarella cheese, grated (for the garlic butter) 1 stick unsalted butter, softened 2 garlic cloves, minced ¾...
Yes, Virginia… 

Yes, Virginia… 

[title subtitle=”WORDS Dwain Hebda IMAGE courtesy Stacy Peters “][/title] Santa Pete notices the young woman as soon as she comes in the door, a special needs youth at the hand of her mother. As one child follows another through the line and on to Santa...
Bourbon Dark Chocolate Pecan Pie

Bourbon Dark Chocolate Pecan Pie

[title subtitle=”RECIPES Pecan Pie Recipe adapted Francine Maroukian / Dough Recipe Catherine Frederick IMAGE Image AnjelikaGr”][/title] Catherine’s Favorite Pie Crust – edited to add chocolate Ingredients (for the crust) 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour 2...

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