Ghoulishly Good Snacks

Ghoulishly Good Snacks

Halloween is a time of spooky fun and lots of treats. While candy often takes center stage, it’s possible to make Halloween both fun and healthy! Monster Peppers For a monstrously good snack, try serving these monster peppers. Start with orange, yellow, or red bell...

Fall for Arkansas

Lucky. That’s what we are because we live in Arkansas, a state where fall shines. Step outside, see the brightly colored leaves and you’ll likely get weak in the knees. Even better, take a road trip to see miles of trees awash in yellow, red, and orange. The color...
Legacy of Compassion

Legacy of Compassion

The Impact of Anatomical Donations on Medical Education Imagine a world where your legacy becomes a beacon of hope for future medical breakthroughs and treatments. The Arkansas Colleges of Health Education (ACHE) Anatomical Donor Program offers a unique opportunity to...
Project Zero: Meet Kaylee

Project Zero: Meet Kaylee

KAYLEE AGE 15 Meet Kaylee, a kind-hearted teenager searching for her forever home! Kaylee has a generous spirit and loves sharing with those she cares about. Like many teen girls, she enjoys chatting with friends, getting her hair and nails done, taking selfies,...
Down, Set, Hut!

Down, Set, Hut!

Are you ready for some football? This easy DIY, created with Mason jars, is just what you need for Game Day! Materials •  4 mason jars •  Black, white, brown, dark green, and lime green flat spray paint •  Acrylic paint, white (for touch-ups) •  Chalk marker, white • ...

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