The World Inside a Seed

The World Inside a Seed

[title subtitle=”words and images: Jessica Sowards”][/title] Years ago, when my oldest son Jackson was around six years old, my husband asked him what he thought I might like for my birthday. Jackson thought long and hard, and as if a light bulb suddenly...
We are Diamonds

We are Diamonds

[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell”][/title] For Anita  Out my back window, I can see the dreary light of winter, the tufts of grass gone to gold, the rose vines on the fencerow brown and tangled as a lady’s uncombed hair. It’s the tail-end of...
Pasta & Zucchini Sauce

Pasta & Zucchini Sauce

[title subtitle=”image: James Stefiuk”][/title] Ingredients 6 cups roughly chopped zucchini 2 cups diced onion  3 Tablespoons minced garlic  ½ cup shredded Parmesan  ½ cup chicken broth 4 Tablespoons olive oil (divided in half)  6 oz. of either arugula or...

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