Pear & CoCo

Pear & CoCo

[title subtitle=”Recipe and image: Catherine Frederick”][/title] INGREDIENTS (makes 2) -4 oz. Jumex pear nectar -2 oz. coconut vodka -1 teaspoon clear vanilla extract -Coconut LaCroix -Pear slice for garnish (optional) METHOD In a shaker combine pear...
Rustic Fruit Tart

Rustic Fruit Tart

[title subtitle=”words and images: Catherine Frederick, adapted from Sally’s Baking Addiction”][/title] This delicious tart is easy as pie to make, well, much easier than pie actually, which is one of the reasons I love it so. Don’t get me wrong; I...
Triple Threat – Neapolitan Rose Cookies

Triple Threat – Neapolitan Rose Cookies

[title subtitle=”words and Images: Catherine Frederick”][/title] Vanilla. Chocolate. Strawberry. Itís hard to go wrong with these three flavors! This recipe is not only delicious but also beautiful, and the roses are easy to make. Skeptical? Check out my...

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