Blueberry Mint Smash

Blueberry Mint Smash

[title subtitle=”Adapted from images: Catherine Frederick”][/title] Ingredients 1/3 cup fresh blueberries (more to taste) Fresh mint 1 Tablespoon brown sugar (more to taste) 3/4 oz. fresh-squeezed lime juice 2 oz. white rum Ginger beer or...
Sugar, Spice, & Everything Nice

Sugar, Spice, & Everything Nice

[title subtitle=”words & images:Lauren Allen,”][/title] Sugar Cookie Fruit Pizzas I am a huge fan of sugar cookies. For me, they absolutely have to be super soft, and frosted! These mini fruit pizzas have everything I love...
Mocha  Mint

Mocha Mint

[title subtitle=”words: Catherine Frederick”][/title] Ingredients >  1 oz. Crème de Menthe >  1 oz. Crème de Cacao >  1 oz. Kahlúa® coffee liqueur >  1 oz. cream or milk (your preference) >  Dove® chocolate mint candy Method Add ice to...

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