Down, Set, Hut!

WORDS and IMAGE Catherine Frederick

Oct 1, 2024 | DIY, Featured

Are you ready for some football? This easy DIY, created with Mason jars, is just what you need for Game Day!

•  4 mason jars
•  Black, white, brown, dark green, and lime green flat spray paint
•  Acrylic paint, white (for touch-ups)
•  Chalk marker, white
•  Clear acrylic sealant spray paint, matte
•  Painter’s tape, 1”
•  3 black buttons
•  Paintbrushes (various sizes)
•  Glue 

Paint 3 jars with white paint, covering all outside areas, including the top rim. Paint one jar with black paint, covering all outside areas, including the top rim. Let dry completely.

Spray all outside areas of jar including top of rim with black spray paint, let dry completely. Use chalk marker to draw on Xs, Os, and arrows. Let dry. Spray with clear sealant to seal and protect.

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Spray all outside areas of jar including top of rim with white spray paint, let dry completely. Using painter’s tape, apply two horizontal stripes to jar. Spray with dark green paint, let dry. Once dry, carefully remove tape. Apply two additional horizontal stripes leaving a small strip of white showing to create the yard line markings. Spray with lime paint, let dry. Once dry, carefully remove tape. Using chalk marker, draw numbers on the yard lines. Spray with clear sealant to seal and protect.

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Spray all outside areas of jar including top of rim with white spray paint, let dry completely. Using painter’s tape, apply five vertical stripes on jar. Spray with black spray paint, let dry. Once dry, carefully remove tape. Use white acrylic paint and small paintbrush to touch-up lines. Spray with clear sealant to seal and protect. Glue three black buttons onto a white stripe on the jar.

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Cut one strip of painter’s tape 1/2″ X 2 1/2″. Apply this strip vertically to the jar. Cut four strips about 1/4″ X 1″ and apply them horizontally across the vertical strip to create the laces. Spray with brown spray paint, let dry. Once dry, carefully remove tape. Spray with clear sealant to seal and protect.

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Do South Magazine

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