Meet Randy

Words: Project Zero
Image: courtesy Jon Yoder Photography

Mar 1, 2022 | Adoption, People

We’d like to introduce you to sixteen-year-old Randy, but before we do, let’s talk about patterns. If you have read a few of our kids’ bios in the past, you’ve probably seen a pattern emerge. Many of our children have had childhoods marked by instability, inconsistency, and uncertainty and these circumstances have created a fundamental lack of trust in adult caregivers in our children, which manifests in a variety of ways. To the casual or first-time reader, it may appear that we repeat these things because we have nothing substantive to say about a specific child. That’s not the case at all. The fact is these issues are very real for many of our children and we want to stress the need for and the positive impact of stability, consistency, patience, and trust. This is especially true for incredible kids like Randy.

Randy has never had the luxury of a stable, supportive home. His caregivers disappointed him and let him down time and again. As a result, he doesn’t always let himself believe that a new caregiver will be any different than the ones he knew growing up, and he can act out at times in response to those emotions. But let us tell you something else about Randy … He is a straight-A student and was recently accepted into a special arts and science magnet school! Randy is one smart kid who is in desperate need of someone to believe in him and provide him with the structure, consistency, and stability that he needs and deserves. He has so much potential – Randy just needs the right place and the right someone to realize it. Maybe that someone is you!


In partnership with Project Zero and Arkansas Heart Gallery, each month Do South® will feature a waiting child, or sibling group, in foster care in Arkansas. To inquire about these incredible children, please visit


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