Buzz-Worthy Art

Buzz-Worthy Art

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt IMAGE courtesy Stacy Bates”][/title] Once upon a time, in a not so far away land, there lived a young woman named Stacy who loved art and dreamed of becoming a famous artist. One day, as Stacy sat outside to draw, she...
Art on the Border

Art on the Border

[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell Images: courtesy Art on the Border”][/title] Artists need solitude to create. At home, in their studios, outside in nature, they all struggle to capture what’s extraordinary about this world we live in. Once...
The Unexpected

The Unexpected

[title subtitle=”words: Claire Kolberg and Marla Cantrell Images: Maser/Conor walls – Nick Gibson, Picture of Health wall – Eoin Murphy, Never Too Late To Love wall – Maser”][/title] Take a look around downtown Fort Smith, Arkansas from the...
The Whirlwind Road to Windgate

The Whirlwind Road to Windgate

[title subtitle=”words: Marcus Coker Images: Rachel Putman (UA-Fort Smith)”][/title] This month marks the completion of the Windgate Art and Design building at the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith. The newest addition to the campus, the three-story,...
Local Artists Come Home

Local Artists Come Home

[title subtitle=”words: Lee Anne Henry, Whiteline Designs”][/title] The real estate agent’s mantra is three simple words: location, location, and yes — location! It means that if you’re not careful, you might accidentally buy the right home in the wrong...

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