Yuletide Mule

Yuletide Mule

[title subtitle=”RECIPE adapted tablespoon.com IMAGE Victoria43/Shutterstock”][/title] Ingredients 1 ounce simple syrup ½ ounce lime juice 2 ounces vodka 2 ounces cranberry juice 4 ounces ginger beer 3-4 rosemary needles fresh thyme lime wedge (optional...
A Lifeline to the World

A Lifeline to the World

[title subtitle=”WORDS and IMAGES Dwain Hebda”][/title] The elderly woman shifts in her chair and looks out the window. The room in which she finds herself at the long-term care community where she lives is quiet and small, some days suffocatingly so. She...
Songs We Remember – Part I

Songs We Remember – Part I

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt IMAGE ssuaphotos/Shutterstock”][/title] Part I I’ve always thought it amazing how music can conjure a memory from the recesses of your brain, reminding you of one very specific moment in time, whether that moment...

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