The Lazy Farm Girl

The Lazy Farm Girl

[title subtitle=”words and images: Jessica Sowards”][/title] I feel the need to disclose a nasty truth about myself. It’s not a skeleton rattling in the closet or a deep and dark secret. It’s not some furtive, hidden sin. It’s just one of those...
Christmas Present Christmas Past

Christmas Present Christmas Past

[title subtitle=”words: Jessica Sowards Images: courtesy Mikela Sowards”][/title] There is a particular feeling that inhabits my heart this time of year. I anticipate it from the very first cool morning in September. When pumpkin spice everything explodes...
Holiday Hospitality 101

Holiday Hospitality 101

[title subtitle=”words: Rachel Gerner”][/title] “To welcome the stranger is to acknowledge him as a human being made in God’s image; it is to treat her as one of equal worth with ourselves — indeed, as one who may teach us something out of...

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