The World Inside a Seed

The World Inside a Seed

[title subtitle=”words and images: Jessica Sowards”][/title] Years ago, when my oldest son Jackson was around six years old, my husband asked him what he thought I might like for my birthday. Jackson thought long and hard, and as if a light bulb suddenly...
Beautiful Dreamers

Beautiful Dreamers

[title subtitle=”words and images: Jessica Sowards”][/title] I often wake up in the night. Usually around 3 a.m., with no alarm screaming and no child tugging on my bed covers, I simply open my eyes to the still and silent darkness and am completely awake....
Almost Gone—The Allie Wilson Story

Almost Gone—The Allie Wilson Story

[title subtitle=”words: Allie Wilson Images: courtesy Allie Wilson, engagement photo Kim Singer Photography”][/title] Tampons. Periods. Toxic Shock Syndrome. There, I’ve said it. I’ve said three things most of us are ashamed to talk about, including...
The Glass House

The Glass House

[title subtitle=”words and images: Jessica Sowards”][/title] For the majority of my life, in one way or another, I have kept a written record. It started in a sparkly, Lisa Frank diary with a small, golden lock. It matured into multiple Rubbermaid...
Happy Holiday Traditions

Happy Holiday Traditions

Holiday traditions are a fun way for families to bond and create fond memories. The traditions you and your family choose are limited only by your imagination in the way you carry them out. Customs for gatherings Choose a theme such as ‘my most memorable holiday...

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