The Dance

The Dance

[title subtitle=”words and images:Jessica Sowards”][/title] Time has a way of wooing those who will dance with it. And it is because of the dance that I’ve begun to embrace a different level of changing seasons. The cycle of life and death is no longer a...
All the Pears

All the Pears

[title subtitle=”words and images:Jessica Sowards”][/title] Tonight, my son Ezra ate a pear.   As I stood over the charcoal grill cooking dinner, he sat on the back porch steps and ate a pear. He had asked me to cut it into slices so he could easily...
The Growth of a Gardener

The Growth of a Gardener

[title subtitle=”words:Jessica Sowards images: Jeremiah Sowards”][/title] My mother has a green thumb. She can grow anything. When I was a kid, she would do things like buy me purple rose bushes as gifts and then grow them outside my bedroom window. When I...

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