Art is Life

Art is Life

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt IMAGES courtesy Fort Smith Regional Art Museum”][/title] The importance of art in culture is undeniable, so uniquely does it represent the spirit of the people, the happenings in the world, the way that we feel. From...
The Boy on Broadway

The Boy on Broadway

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt IMAGES courtesy Chad Burris and Andy Henderson”][/title] So often we hear stories of successful actors who unknowingly started their career not on the stage or screen, but in early childhood, their starring roles as...
The Rescuers

The Rescuers

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt IMAGES courtesy Courtesy 3 Girls Animal Rescue and Pawzatively Canine”][/title] Based on the billions of dollars that people spend on their pets, it’s pretty clear that they hold a special place in our hearts. Blinged...
It’s Runway Time

It’s Runway Time

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt IMAGES courtesy Bravo Media, Barbara Nitke, and Todd White”][/title] “…one day you’re in, and the next day, you’re out.” It’s a line we’ve heard countless times, delivered to designers holding their breath as they wait...
Buzz-Worthy Art

Buzz-Worthy Art

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt IMAGE courtesy Stacy Bates”][/title] Once upon a time, in a not so far away land, there lived a young woman named Stacy who loved art and dreamed of becoming a famous artist. One day, as Stacy sat outside to draw, she...

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