An Early Marriage

An Early Marriage

[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell images:courtesy A.B. Lewis Photography”][/title] When Chris Dolan proposed to Ashley Robbins in December 2013, he did it at a family Christmas party so their relatives could be part of the surprise. Ashley remembers...

A Most Unusual Journey

[title subtitle=”words: Bunnie Watts-Adams images: courtesy Roselle Scott”][/title] It began in February of 2012, on a Wednesday evening in the living room of friends. One of our newer members asked prayer for his dad, Barry Adams, who lived in New Zealand...
Sunday Breakfast

Sunday Breakfast

[title subtitle=”lines: Bryce Albertson”][/title] In a corner booth, we sit side by side, thighs touching, both glancing nervously toward a manic buzzing trapped between the seat and window, fearful of the wasp that brings us closer unknowingly for the...

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