I Let You Go

I Let You Go

[title subtitle=”Review: Marla Cantrell”][/title] By Clare Mackintosh | Berkley | 369 pages | $26 Late on a cold and rainy afternoon in Bristol, England, a mother walks her five-year-old son, Jacob, home from his after-school program. Darkness is falling,...
Past the End of Everything

Past the End of Everything

[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell”][/title] This was years ago when we lived in the apartment that was so small I gave you the only bedroom, when I slept on the divan in the living room. Your daddy and I had been divorced three years by then, and you...
Queenie Eileenie

Queenie Eileenie

[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell images:courtesy Eileen Teagle”][/title] Eileen Teagle sits inside her Fort Smith, Arkansas home, and the morning sun rushes in through tall windows and glass doors. From where she sits, there’s a view of the woods...
The Distance Between Us

The Distance Between Us

[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell images:courtesy Maryl Koeth and Bob Purvis”][/title] On March 26, 1996, Bob Purvis lay in a field outside West Memphis, Arkansas, waiting to see the Hale-Bopp Comet, which had been discovered the year before. He...

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