Do Gooder: Travis St. Amant

[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell images: Jeromy Price”][/title] Travis was nominated as a Do South Do-Gooder by his brother, Aaron. Travis St. Amant pulls up in his golf cart on a Friday morning bright with sun. He is stopping just long enough to...
Kirk Cameron: After the 80s

Kirk Cameron: After the 80s

[title subtitle=”words:  Marla Cantrell Images: courtesy Kirk Cameron and Harvest Time”][/title] Actor Kirk Cameron walks across the stage inside Harvest Time in Fort Smith, Arkansas, and the 2,000 people who’ve come to see him break into applause. He...
Do-Gooder: Rosemary Wingfield

Do-Gooder: Rosemary Wingfield

[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell Image: Jeromy Price”][/title] Rosemary was nominated as a Do South Do-Gooder by her sister, Lucy Fry. Rosemary Wingfield, at age seventy-one, says one of her most prized possessions is a cigarette case that had a...
Life Journey

Life Journey

[title subtitle=”review: Marla Cantrell”][/title] Leon Russell: $10 Leon Russell’s voice is creased and worn and utterly spectacular in his thirty-seventh studio record, Life Journey. But before you listen to one musical note, you should read the...

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