The Ride Continues

The Ride Continues

[title subtitle=”WORDS and IMAGE Scott Fallon”][/title] Scott Chapman never expected to get back into the cycling industry – despite being immersed in it for most of his life. But as a man of faith, he knows second chances are always possible. He started...
It’s Electric!

It’s Electric!

[title subtitle=”WORDS Scott Faldon IMAGE courtesy The Woodsman Company”][/title]  While cycling experienced a quarantine-induced boom last year, one segment of the bike industry has been growing steadily since before COVID-19 changed the world…E-bikes....
Women in the Wild

Women in the Wild

[title subtitle=”WORDS Scott Faldon IMAGE courtesy Holly Morgan, Mallory Kleck, Ashley Hout”][/title]  Thanks to the pandemic, millions of people ventured into outdoor recreation for the first time and women led the way. The Outdoor Industry Association...
Kayaking The Natural State

Kayaking The Natural State

[title subtitle=”WORDS Scott Faldon IMAGES courtesy Jason Crosby and Arkansas Department of Tourism”][/title]  Springtime is kayaking time in The Natural State. But if you’re new to it, what kind of kayak do you want? What accessories do you need? The...

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