Dirt Can Hurt

Dirt Can Hurt

[title subtitle=”WORDS: Stoney Stamper IMAGES: courtesy Stoney and April Stamper”] I was born and raised on a large Quarter Horse ranch in Northeastern Oklahoma. Getting dirty was just a given. Fixing fences, cleaning stalls, doctoring horses and cattle,...

We Bought a Farm

[title subtitle=”WORDS: Stoney Stamper IMAGES courtesy Stoney and April Stamper”][/title] In February of 2012, my job relocated our family (my wife April, and daughters Emma, Abby, and Gracee) from Northeast Oklahoma to east Texas. We had always lived in...

I Fought the Mall and the Mall Won

[title subtitle=”WORDS: Stoney Stamper IMAGES: courtesy Stoney and April Stamper”][/title] I’m a good gift buyer. I’m not bragging, or anything. I’m just saying, I’m an amazing gift buyer. Maybe the best ever. Maybe that’s...

The Art of “Step” Parenting

[title subtitle=”WORDS: Stoney Stamper IMAGES: courtesy Stoney and April Stamper”][/title] Statistics show that one in two marriages end in divorce, and that currently there are over 30-million children living in a home with a step-parent, in the USA,...
Don’t Feed the Llamas

Don’t Feed the Llamas

[title subtitle=”WORDS: Stoney Stamper IMAGES: courtesy Stoney and April Stamper”][/title] Change is inevitable. Sometimes, change is easy, and other times it is very, very hard. It was in 2011 that my wife, April, and I decided to spend the rest of our...

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