Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Alicia Robinson

Oct 1, 2020 | People

Do South® has joined forces with Bookish, our area’s only independent bookstore, in an effort to shine the spotlight on deserving teachers in our community! Local teachers complete the form and wish list online and then books from their wish list can be purchased from Bookish at a twenty percent discount by anyone wanting to show their support! Each month, we will feature a local teacher doing great things for area children. This month, we are proud to introduce you to Mrs. Alicia Robinson, a 4th grade teacher at King Elementary in Van Buren, Arkansas. To all teachers, we love you and thank you for all you do!

DS:  Tell us about your teaching journey. How long have you been a teacher? Where have you taught? What grades and subjects do you teach?

I am a fifth-year teacher, teaching 4th grade. I started my teaching career after staying home with my children while they were young. I have spent my entire career in the same classroom at King Elementary in Van Buren. Being a graduate from Van Buren I was thrilled to be back at my alma mater and strive every day to be a positive influence for my students. I teach all core subjects.

DS:  What do you like about being a teacher?

I love hearing the students’ version of the world around them. Looking at the world through a child’s eyes is one of the biggest blessings about my job. Fourth graders are at an age where they are listening and paying attention to world and local events and like to start having their own opinions! One of my favorite memories was when my students were giving presentations about people who have made a difference in our world. One student decided to write and present about President Obama. This student at some point had been given misinformation and was positive that he was the owner of Trump Towers. After a few giggles and a quick research lesson we finally convinced her otherwise.

DS:  What is your biggest concern about entering into the 2020 school year?

My biggest concern about entering the 2020 school year is the impact on student socio-emotional health. For most students, school is a safe place, where they can hug their teacher and find comfort with friends. My concern is that if we are not able to meet these students’ needs we will have an increase of mental health issues.

Mrs. Robinson’s Wish List
Thank You, Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving by Laurie Halse Anderson

Balloons Over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy’s Parade by Melissa Sweet

After the Fall (How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again)
by Dan Santat

What Do You Do with an Idea?
by Kobi Yamada

The Word Collector
by Sonja Wimmer

Teachers, we encourage you to complete the short form and add your wish list!
Simply visit, www.forms.gle/FSgR89N6RzvqWFJ59. You can also find the link at:
Bookishfs.com, on their Facebook page, and at DoSouthMagazine.com.



Do South Magazine

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