Advertiser Spotlight – Kelley Linton, AuD

Jul 1, 2017 | People

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“Do South® is the kind of magazine that after you read the first publication, you want to pick up the next month’s issue just to see what kind of fun or interesting articles they might have written. The articles and features are relevant to the lifestyles of the people in the River Valley.
~~Kelley Linton, AuD, Owner,
Center for Hearing, LTD.

4300 Rogers Avenue, Suite 15
Fort Smith, AR 72903

Center for Hearing trusts Do South® Magazine to promote their business and meet their advertising goals. We are proud to support businesses like Center for Hearing, that work every day to make our community a healthier, better place to live and work. At Do South® Magazine, our goal is to promote businesses like yours, making sure our readers know what you have to offer. Call Do South® today to see how we can help grow your business through effective, targeted advertising.


How long have you been in practice? 

We began Center for Hearing in 1998.


What services are offered at Center for Hearing? 

We are a private practice audiology clinic offering hearing evaluations for all ages including newborn to geriatric. We fit hearing aids on all ages of hearing impaired patients and offer a large variety of models and brands of hearing aid technology. We fit and dispense many forms of hearing protection and ear protection including custom molded swim plugs and musician plugs.


What are some primary complaints from Patients with hearing issues? 

Everyone mumbles; I can hear just fine, I just can’t understand; I hear in quiet but I can’t hear in noise; my family says I have selective hearing; I need the TV louder than others in the room.


What are some of the various treatment options for hearing loss?

There are a few hearing losses that can be treated medically, either with surgery or medication. Nearly all other hearing losses are treatable with hearing aids. Hearing aids are typically the best option for permanent nerve type hearing loss and can give the person their quality of life back.


What are some of the latest advances for those suffering from hearing loss?

Today’s hearing aids offer high fidelity sound quality in nearly all listening situations. Many have Bluetooth connectivity allowing the user to stream phone calls, TV and music directly to the hearing aids therefore providing the best clarity and understanding ability. There are several models that are Apple/Android compatible which allow for wireless connectivity to those devices and/or tablets. All hearing aids that we currently dispense are fully digital and are specifically programmed to each person’s hearing prescription.


What are some of the steps people can take to protect their hearing? 

When exposed to any sound that is so loud that you must shout to be heard at arm’s length, then you should be wearing some type of hearing protection. This includes obvious sounds such as lawn equipment or a chain saw but also some not so obvious sounds such as music or concerts. When using earbuds or earphones, it is best to leave the volume at approximately 60% of the maximum.


What do you find most fulfilling about your line of work? 

The ability to restore and/or improve a person’s or family’s quality of life by allowing them to communicate and actively engage in life activities through better hearing is extremely rewarding. Hearing keeps us involved in the world around us and with the people we love.


Does hearing loss only affect a person after a certain age? 

Absolutely not. It is true that our hearing nerve will “age” and we will develop hearing loss as we get older. However, hearing loss is one of the most common disabilities a baby is born with. My youngest daughter was born deaf in one ear. Hearing loss is very genetic and can be passed down generation to generation. Noise exposure is a very common reason for permanent hearing loss and we live in a very noisy world. Teenagers and young adults are one of our fastest growing populations with permanent hearing loss due to their exposure to loud noise. There are also diseases and medications which can trigger progressive hearing loss such as diabetes, hypertension and chemo therapy just to name a few.


Do you have interests or hobbies outside of the clinic? 

My husband and I have 5 children so we enjoy keeping up with them. We love anything outdoors; hunting, fishing, hiking, kayaking and spending time in the mountains.


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