Lost and Found – The Jimmy McGill Story – Part One

Lost and Found – The Jimmy McGill Story – Part One

PART ONE At the insistent tapping on his window, Jimmy McGill came to. Even in his altered state, he knew he was in trouble. A quick scan about the cabin of the running car reminded him of the copious drugs on his person, the stolen property stacked in the back seat....
Meet Randy

Meet Randy

RANDY, AGE 16 We’d like to introduce you to sixteen-year-old Randy, but before we do, let’s talk about patterns. If you have read a few of our kids’ bios in the past, you’ve probably seen a pattern emerge. Many of our children have had childhoods marked by...
Inn Love

Inn Love

There’s something incredible about the prospect of sleeping in a place where history whispers from every crevice, where the corners of every room have a story to tell, and the past seems to collide with the present. And while one can only imagine who has slept in the...
Forever 13

Forever 13

For many of us, the teen years are remembered with a tinge, the awkward age when incumbent childhood and impending adult life coalesce messily. It’s a time our self-confidence rolls us back on our heels even as our hearts yearn to plunge ahead into new adventures and...

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