My Love

My Love

[title subtitle=”WORDS Sarah Phillips-Burger IMAGE Gajus/Shutterstock”][/title] My Love, As I write this, you are sleeping. Your eyes are fluttering, and your lips separate just a sliver with each breath that leaves your body. Your hands grasp the lavender...
Guilty of Love

Guilty of Love

[title subtitle=”IMAGE Janier Brosch/Shutterstock”][/title] 15 VALENTINE’S DAY FAST FACTS CHOCOLATES The chocolate box has been in existence for over 140 years. The most popular flavors in a box of chocolates are caramels, followed closely by...
The Boy on Broadway

The Boy on Broadway

[title subtitle=”WORDS Liesel Schmidt IMAGES courtesy Chad Burris and Andy Henderson”][/title] So often we hear stories of successful actors who unknowingly started their career not on the stage or screen, but in early childhood, their starring roles as...
Prenatal Planning Support at Baptist Health-Fort Smith

Prenatal Planning Support at Baptist Health-Fort Smith

[title subtitle=”WORDS and IMAGES courtesy Alicia Agent, Manager Marketing Communications Baptist Health-Fort Smith”][/title] From picking a name to picking a paint color for the nursery, there’s a lot to do to get ready for a new baby. Those are just the...

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