by Do South | May 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
[title subtitle=”WORDS and IMAGE courtesy Sara Putnam, Bookish”][/title] Five must-read nonfiction book recommendations for book lovers of all ages, from our friends at Bookish, Fort Smith, Arkansas’s only independently owned bookstore. You can...
by Do South | May 1, 2020 | Southern Lit
[title subtitle=”WORDS Sarah Phillips Burger IMAGE ND700/Shutterstock k”][/title] William removed his glasses and rubbed at the sore imprints left behind on his nose. He stuck the gas bill envelope turned grocery list turned bookmark into the book he had...
by Do South | May 1, 2020 | People
[title subtitle=”WORDS Stoney Stamper IMAGES courtesy April Stamper and ccpixx photography/Shutterstock”][/title] I stand with my arm around Emma’s shoulder, holding her against me as I hear her sniffle. She’s fifteen years old, and this is always the...
by Do South | May 1, 2020 | People
[title subtitle=”WORDS Dwain Hebda IMAGES courtesy Arkansas Colleges of Health Education”][/title] Fort Smith’s First Medical Presence, surgeon Thomas Russell, arrived in 1817 with the original company of riflemen who founded the wilderness outpost...
by Do South | May 1, 2020 | People
[title subtitle=”WORDS and IMAGES Dwain Hebda”][/title] Love makes you do strange things; takes you places you might not have expected you’d go and shows you sights you may never think you’d see. For Eddie Schmeckenbecher, communications specialist for...