by Do South | May 1, 2020 | People
[title subtitle=”WORDS Brittany Ransom IMAGES courtesy Van Buren School District “][/title] While all other campuses are essentially shut down, Van Buren’s Oliver Springs Elementary School is bustling. The site is entering the final phases of construction...
by Do South | May 1, 2020 | Life
[title subtitle=”WORDS Dwain Hebda IMAGES courtesy Greenhurst Nursing Center”][/title] When Carolyn Parker of Paris, Arkansas, arrived at Greenhurst Nursing Center recently for one of her three weekly visits with her father, Martin Gonzalez, the day felt...
by Do South | Apr 30, 2020 | Issues
by Do South | Apr 1, 2020 | Drink, Food + Drink
[title subtitle=”RECIPE adapted Minimalist Baker IMAGE Alina Yudina/Shutterstock”][/title] Ingredients serves 2 1 large grapefruit, juiced (you need about 1 cup of juice) 2 Tablespoons lime juice, fresh 3 ounces vodka 1 ½ ounces triple sec ½ cup Fresca...
by Do South | Apr 1, 2020 | Southern Lit
[title subtitle=”WORDS Sarah Phillips-Burger IMAGE ND700/Shutterstock”][/title] April’s body ached as she rolled over and nuzzled into her pillow, the wet fabric cool against her raw face. The memory hit her again, and it still shocked her, the pain of it....