How We Do It

Mar 1, 2014 | DIY

[title subtitle=”WORDS: Catherine Frederick
image: Jeromy Price”][/title]

We’re all about making life simpler. Try these household tricks to save time and money. You can thank us later.

Color Coated

Don’t waste your money on fancy keys or key covers to identify which key goes to what. Break out some fingernail polish and coat the top portion of the key, on both sides. Place on a hard surface with the top portion hanging over the edge and allow to dry completely.

Sliced Tomatoes

What’s easier than slicing through a cherry tomato? Slicing through fifteen at once. Place cherry tomatoes on the top of a plastic lid, then place another plastic lid, top side down, on top of the tomatoes. Holding the top lid in place, run a long, sharp knife through them horizontally, all at once. Viola!

Hair Removal

Pet hair everywhere? In a rush and no time to break out the vacuum or waste strips from the sticky roller? Grab a squeegee and rake it across your furniture or carpet. The pet hair will be removed with ease. Don’t try this on your cat. Trust us, it doesn’t work.

Do South Magazine

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