Silver Lining
Carrot Dirt Organics

[title subtitle=”words: Marcus Coker Images: courtesy Carrot Dirt Organics”][/title] In May of this year, Brandon and Jessica Parker, who are twenty-nine and twenty-eight years old respectively, opened Carrot Dirt Organics in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Within a...

Billy Higgins
Baseball’s in His Blood

[title subtitle=”words: Anita Paddock Images: courtesy Billy Higgins”][/title] On summer evenings during baseball season in Fort Smith, Arkansas, games are being played across the many fields that dot the city. One of the fields in Kelley Park is named...
Death by Chocolate

Death by Chocolate

[title subtitle=”words & Images: Lauren Allen,”][/title] I probably developed a love for baking before my love for general cooking. “Fun” for me as a little girl was inventing cookie and cake recipes! They never turned out...
This Year Will Be Better

This Year Will Be Better

[title subtitle=”WORDS: Stoney Stamper IMAGES: courtesy Stoney and April Stamper”][/title] Can you believe that summer’s almost over? It seems like yesterday that we dropped Abby and Emma off for their last day of school. You could feel the excitement...
Down at the Chow Chow

Down at the Chow Chow

[title subtitle=”fiction: Marla Cantrell”][/title] By Mama’s wedding to husband number five, I was finding it hard to muster up even a little enthusiasm. Even so, I showed up at Opella Park just across the county line, on one of those perfect fall days, a...

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