Picture Perfect Memories

Picture Perfect Memories

[title subtitle=”words: Catherine Frederick image: Jeromy Price”][/title] Wooden Photo Display Display your memories for all to see on an oversized wooden letter. I chose the letter F to represent our last name. This would make a great gift for any...
Pin It Washi Style

Pin It Washi Style

[title subtitle=”words: Catherine Frederick image: Jeromy Price”][/title] Washi Cork Pin Board If you haven’t discovered washi tape yet, you’re seriously missing out. Available at craft stores, it comes in an abundance of colors, patterns and widths, and...

My son is not a sissy

[title subtitle=”words & Images: Jessica Sowards”][/title] I wonder sometimes what my kids will think when they get old enough to read the things I write. They try to show interest now. Well, the older ones do. But at seven & eight, even though...
Dear Little League Umpires

Dear Little League Umpires

[title subtitle=”words: Becca Whitson image: Pam Sorg”][/title] You’re finally finished. Take a deep breath; the season is over. You’re so young, just thirteen or fourteen sometimes. You give hours and sweat at those ball fields. You stand there, often...
Do Gooder: Paula Riggs

Do Gooder: Paula Riggs

[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell Image: Jeromy Price”][/title] Paula Riggs grew up in big, noisy family. There were seven children, four girls and three boys. What she remembers most about her parents was that they lived for their kids. Their home...

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