Keen Jean Green

Keen Jean Green

[title subtitle=”words and image: Marla Cantrell”][/title] That desire to make the world better, one perm and one conversation at a time, has earned her quite the reputation. Stories of her kindness ripple through Fort Smith, one client  telling the next....
The Stars Are Fire

The Stars Are Fire

[title subtitle=”review: Marla Cantrell”][/title] By Anita Shreve | Knopf | 241 pages | $26 Fall of 1947 was devastating for Maine. The state had endured a warm spring foll-owed by 108 consecutive days without rain. By October, all the elements were in...
Breaking Bread

Breaking Bread

  Sarah and Aaron Mastropaolo, a brother and sister duo, grew up happily with their two older sisters in a vine-covered house in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Their family is Italian, the kind of loud, passionate, in each other’s business stereotype you’ve long heard...


[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell”][/title] Layla has been making Thanksgiving dinner since she was in her late teens. The first time was the year her mother died. The death had taken place in March, on a day so windy, the newly blossomed trees had...

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