Mama Said She Loved Me But She Lied

Mama Said She Loved Me But She Lied

[title subtitle=”words: Marla Cantrell”][/title] “My mama says said loved me but she lied,” Wesley Kidd, near about thirty years old, calls out to anybody that’ll listen. He’s standing in the middle of Talawanda Street, right where...
Night of a Million  Shattered Stars

Night of a Million Shattered Stars

[title subtitle=”fiction: Marla Cantrell”][/title] I was born on a day so hot shingles melted on rooftops, all across town. My mama is telling me this, has told me this a hundred times, and is telling me again because the story shows her at her most...
From Saint Boniface to the CIA

From Saint Boniface to the CIA

[title subtitle=”words: Anita Paddock images: courtesy E.A. Allen”][/title] E. A. Allen says his life as a CIA Intelligence Officer, historian, teacher, and writer began in the shadows of Saint Boniface Church and Elementary School in Fort Smith, Arkansas....

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