Up Close & Personal – Luther Stem

Apr 1, 2015 | People

About Luther N. Stem

Luther Stem Pools & Spas is a family-owned business specializing in building custom concrete inground swimming pools and spas. We have a full -service retail store, above ground pools, portable spas, and pool service. We have also introduced our new Aquatic Training Vessel swim spas. They’re a great way to ensure exercise and therapeutic needs while taking up minimal space in your backyard. We also have a full line of tornado shelters in various sizes to meet our customers’ needs. In 1995 we started a concrete pumping division that has been part of numerous high-profile projects such as the bridges between Fayetteville and Fort Smith, the I-49 rehabilitation which runs through Fort Smith, and multiple projects at Chaffee Crossing, such as the Mitsubishi plant, Umarex and the Mars plant.

Favorite food as a child?  Mom’s homemade ice cream

Where’s your favorite place on earth?  Riding my dirt bike in the Colorado Rockies or riding in the Ozark National Forest around White Rock.

What was your first job, and how old were you?  Carrying blocks on our first pool. 8 years old.

What’s the first thing you bought with your first paycheck?  Yamaha 60 Cub for $200. It cost me a summer’s worth of paychecks.

What’s something your mama always said?   Take your shoes off before you come in
the house.

Farthest you’ve been away from home?   Phillip’s Island, Australia.

Who was your best friend when you were a kid?   Mike Winters. 

Most sentimental thing you own?   My grandfather’s wallet.

What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid? Just like my dad.

What’s something that’s gone out of style that you wish would make a comeback?  Political civility.

What cheers you up? My wife Karen.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Operate my iPhone without asking
for help!

What’s the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?   Find a good tax attorney.

Do you have pets?  Yes. Scooter, a ten-year-old Yorkie, and Maggie, a lab that just showed up one day and never left.

If you were going to show a tourist Fort Smith, where’s the first place you’d take them?  National Historic Site.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?   “Always give the customer more than they expect.”-My dad.

What smell reminds you of home?   Fresh cut grass.

What did you do as a kid that got you into trouble?  I got caught with a pack of cigarettes when I was twelve. First and last cigarette I ever smoked.

Favorite National Park?   Rocky Mountain National Park. The trip up the mountain
and down into Winter Park on a motorcycle is breathtaking.

How did you end up in the pool and spa business?  My dad built us a pool when I was eight years old. Dad’s friend, Carl Martin, after finding out Dad built his own pool told him, “You can start on mine tomorrow.” Fifty-three years later we are Arkansas’ oldest swimming pool construction company.

Who’s someone you admire?   Brian Gaines, a local jeweler and close friend. His determination and grace during his fight and recovery from cancer were
truly inspiring.

Favorite song from when you were a teen? An old hymn named “Higher Ground”. I even remember the page number; 319.

When was the last time someone surprised you? My 60th surprise birthday party my wife Karen gave me. I couldn’t believe how many people showed up and how far some of them had traveled.


Words to Live By: 

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you’re doing you will be successful.

– Albert Schweitzer


2 things Luther can’t live without:

  1. Wrangler© Jeans
  2. Motorcycles
  3. Skechers©
Do South Magazine

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