The Trails Provide

The Trails Provide

[title subtitle=”words and image: Jim Warnock”][/title] “Oh my!” Kathy yelled with a panicked crack in her voice. Scott and Kathy were part of a group at mile sixty-four of the Ozark Highlands Trail when the unthinkable happened. The left sole of Kathy’s...
Light It Up

Light It Up

[title subtitle=”words and images: Catherine Frederick “][/title] materials One pound of wax makes seven to eight, 3-4” pinecones, which have been dipped three to four times.  Pinecones – find yourself or purchase  Soy wax flakes – Natural Soy brand Candle...
Walking through Winter

Walking through Winter

[title subtitle=”words and images: Jim Warnock”][/title] A frozen fog bathed the valley below as I huffed my way up White Rock Mountain in Arkansas’ Ozark National Forest. Branches, outlined in icy crystals, sprinkled sparkling dust on my shoes as I...
There is a Garden

There is a Garden

[title subtitle=”words: Jessica Sowards”][/title] I love flying. It doesn’t matter how old I get, how dignified I am, or how much responsibility I carry on a daily basis. When on an airplane, I am six years old, and I want the window seat. It is wonderful,...

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