Light It Up

Light It Up

[title subtitle=”words and images: Catherine Frederick “][/title] materials One pound of wax makes seven to eight, 3-4” pinecones, which have been dipped three to four times.  Pinecones – find yourself or purchase  Soy wax flakes – Natural Soy brand Candle...
Mull It Over

Mull It Over

[title subtitle=”words: image: Hannah Pemberton”][/title] Ingredients 1 bottle (750 ml) dry red wine 1 cup pitted cherries 1 cup apple cider 1 orange, sliced into rounds 8 whole cloves 2 cinnamon sticks 2 star anise 2-4 Tablespoons agave,...


[title subtitle=”words: Catherine Frederick”][/title] I’m thankful for many blessings this holiday season, especially for the delicious recipes on the following pages. Whether you’re gathering with a large family, or a cozy dinner among friends, they’re...
Happy Holiday Traditions

Happy Holiday Traditions

Holiday traditions are a fun way for families to bond and create fond memories. The traditions you and your family choose are limited only by your imagination in the way you carry them out. Customs for gatherings Choose a theme such as ‘my most memorable holiday...
November Mornings

November Mornings

[title subtitle=”words and images: Jessica Sowards”][/title] November mornings all start the same. The alarm screams at 5:45 in the morning. Slippers and a sweater lie next to my bed to build my bravery and challenge my excuses. I rise and beeline to the...

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